Every month this generous company loads us up with free items simply for being loyal customers. We purchase items we’d be buying anyway - toothpaste, lotion, shampoo, makeup, supplements and cleaning supplies, etc - from Young Living, and we not only get amazing, high quality products that are safe for our families, we get free products, free shipping, delivery to our doorstep and product credits galore! I am ALL about boxes of safe, effective and healthy products showing up in my mailbox with fun freebies inside!
December Gifts With Purchase are here!!
With any order (Subscribe to Save or one time shop order) of 190PV or more, you’ll receive a free 5mL CHRISTMAS SPIRIT blend and a 3 pack WINTER NIGHTS FOAMING HAND SOAP! If your order is a Subscribe to Save order (previously Essential Rewards) you’ll also receive a free 5mL PINE oil! Retail value: $82.57
Christmas Spirit essential oil blend
Winter Nights Foaming Hand Soap
Pine essential oil
With any order of 250PV, you’ll receive a free 15mL R.C. BLEND, a 5mL Christmas Spirit, 3 pack Winter Nights Foaming Hand Soap, and free shipping!! If your order is a Subscribe to Save order (previously Essential Rewards) you’ll also receive a free Pine essential oi! Retail value: $114.48
R.C. essential oil blend
With any order of 300PV, you’ll receive a free 15mL THIEVES essential oil blend, a free 15mL R.C. blend, a 5mL Christmas Spirit, 3 pack Winter Nights Foaming Hand Soap, and free shipping!! If your order is a Subscribe to Save order (previously Essential Rewards) you’ll also receive a free Pine essential oil! Retail value: $162.18
Thieves essential oil
With any Subscribe to Save order of 400PV, you’ll receive a free 15mL FRANKINCENSE oil, a 15mL Thieves essential oil blend, a free 15mL R.C. blend, a 5mL Christmas Spirit, 3 pack Winter Nights Foaming Hand Soap, a 5mL Pine, and free shipping!! Retail value: $265.47
Frankincense essential oil
FAQs: What is December’s gift with purchase?
Earn points on products
Earn exclusive gifts
What are you trying in your order this month?!
We start off Thursday night, December 2nd, with a Next Step call for business success!
Mondays: Let's Be Frank
Thursdays: Next Step
You can invite any member or prospect to any class! We've had people enroll after business calls, or start sharing after intros!
All Classes: Access Here Meeting ID: 827 2424 7466
Password for all: babysteps
Past Zoom Recordings: To search past Zoom recordings, simply open the "Zoom" category here in the app. We have hundreds of wellness and business calls to listen to and know you'll find something that resonates with what you're looking for.
JOIN US!!! We love your face and want to spend time with you!!!